The World Health Organization has acknowledged corruption scandals in its Sanaa office


The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that it will cancel some contracts with its local partners in Yemen, thereby recognizing corruption in its offices in the capital, Sanaa, under the control of Houthi militias.

She reviewed her work in 2018, including the appointment of a new manager and new staff in Yemen.

The organization noted that she had recruited staff with management experience and emergency response.

She acknowledged corruption in her office in Yemen, citing complications in the operational environment. In the country, the process has confirmed the recommendations of the audit

The Yemeni government has called on the United Nations to set up a commission to investigate corruption cases uncovered by the agency, stressing the need to review the performance and work of UN agencies in Yemen, to provide financial and operational data and to commit to transparency and accountability, while advocating strong measures.

The King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aid and Action called on the United Nations to immediately open a transparent investigation into the corruption of its organizations operating in Yemen and to reveal any suspicion of corruption, abuse or abuse. in collusion with any party, contrary to the allocation of humanitarian grants from Saudi Arabia. Yeah

The Center called on United Nations organizations to impose precise and reliable mechanisms as well as impartial and transparent monitoring of the implementation of humanitarian action, particularly in Yemen, in order to prevent any abuse or exploitation by the coup d'etat.

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