The world's first folding smart phone


The Rooyle Flex Bay is the world's first folding smart phone, a kind of smart phone that most businesses are looking to develop to become the first in the world to develop this technology.

Founded five years ago to achieve this goal, Royol has developed and introduced foldable phones such as paper. The company has faced the threat of rival Samsung in the development of this type of smart devices. Rooyol accelerated the development of the phone, the Flex Bay, and surprised the world by placing it in front of any other company.

The new smartphone is equipped with the latest technology, but the Freeg says that some software may not work. The site does not blame Ruyol for this, but its exterior is a tablet type Android 7.8-inch type that can work with both a tablet, a tablet and a smartphone. The ambitions of the company are very big in the development of the phone.

Where it does two chips and tries to provide an automatic detection system that displays the content on half of the screen that you encounter at any time during use. The chair is one of the sides and its contents are displayed on the electronic board when the unit is open, on each side.

The resolution of the display is 1920 x 1440 and the accuracy is reduced to less than half of this clarity when the device acts as a mobile phone, with a foldable liquid screen and a resolution of 308 pixels allowing to display clear images on the screen.

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