Then Saudi Arabia responded to the scandal of the coalition!


In an interview with Al-Arabiya TV channel, Al-Moallemi said on Wednesday that military operations are now suspended to allow diplomatic efforts to peacefully surrender the city.

Al-Moallemi said that Saudi Arabia "

Hezbollah Secretary General, Hbadan Nasrallah, spoke of the alliance of Saudi aggression in Yemen, revealing what" 39, he described as "a military scandal of the Saudi alliance in the battle of Hodeidah in western Yemen."

He stated that the Saudi alliance "brought mercenaries from around the world and joined the huge military mechanisms of the Battle of Hodeidah. "On the efforts of the United Nations envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, Al-Maalami said:" He does not until now Griffith has been able to achieve enough breakthroughs in the party's position. "

At the end of the military operation in Hodeidah, al-Maalami explained that" it's a limited and unopened break period. The coalition's military leadership comes from [gouvernement] Decide When and How resume military operations to liberate Hodeida. "

Alliance of Aggression Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia, has suffered many losses since the beginning of its operations on March 25, 2015, and the Yemeni army and popular committees have succeeded in their efforts. to break the mouth and force them to withdraw in many places.

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