There are many misconceptions about web browsing in stealth mode


Researchers from the University of Chicago and the University of Leipzig in Hanover recently published the results of a study of 450 participants, who found that many participants believe that the mode Incognito or the special status of the web browser protects their online business much more. Use the Private Mode or Private Browsing option, accessible from the menu bar of most modern web browsers, so that browsers do not follow what you're doing on the Internet, but it's not as special as most people think.

Includes all major web browsers, including Google's Chrome, Microsoft EDGE and Mozilla's Firefox and Apple's Safari and Opera, a private browsing mode that does not store browsing history, the cookies or temporary files on browsing sessions. Bad scenarios about what this situation is doing, there are many factors that probably contribute to these misconceptions.

According to the study, only 11.5% of participants were qualified to have computer or computer skills or related fields, and 96.7% of participants used the Chrome Chrome browser to browse regularly. On desktop computers, Firefox 64.3%, Microsoft Edge 21.1% and Safari 14.3%.

The Chrome browser was also the most popular for mobile device navigation of 73.7%, with a Safari browser of 33%, the Firefox browser of 12.6%, followed by the Microsoft Edge browser of 2.2 % and 80.4% Percentage of participants put at least private browsing for a while through the desktop browsers, so that it was the most common browsing mode.

According to the study, browsers have not corrected most of the misconceptions that they have tested, including the fact that the private browsing mode would prevent geographical location, advertisements, viruses and tracking by the websites visited and the network provider. Respondents who saw some of the disclosures were likely to have misconceptions about the impact of private browsing on targeted advertisements, the persistence of downloaded file listings, the tracking of ISPs, employers and sponsors. governments.

Google Chrome, for example, does not record your browsing history, cookies, site data, or information entered in forms, but that does not mean that data such as the websites you visit are not not available. Google warns you when you start using incognito mode, and yet, many people seem to think that these options in web browsers can do a lot more than what they actually do.

Here are some of the misconceptions highlighted in the report:

  • 46.5% of respondents believe that bookmarks stored in the special situation will not be present in subsequent sessions.
  • 40.2% of those surveyed believe that websites will not be able to estimate the geographic location of a user using the private browsing mode.
  • 27.1% of respondents believe that private browsing mode offers better protection against viruses and malware than normal mode.
  • 22.0%, 37.0% and 22.6% of respondents believe that ISPs, employers and the government will not be able to track them when they use the incognito mode.

The study also suggests that 56.3% That private browsing cache their search history, which is incorrect because Google can still save the search for users and save a copy of this query on the Internet, not necessarily on the computer.

The study shows that there are many misconceptions about what has been recorded and what does not happen when one is browsing in incognito or incognito mode, and we badume that what we see on the Internet can be seen by others. You download files.

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