There are parties that are still begging outside


A member of the "strong Lebanon" bloc, Salim Aoun, hoped that "the frankness and reconciliation meeting in Baabda will guarantee a new beginning, prosperity and economic treatment, as well as everything that contributes to the economic cycle, although many questions remain unanswered and we are waiting for answers ".

He added, while congratulating Eid al-Adha to the president of the badociation "Qulna and the work" Sheikh Ahmed Al-Qattan: "Some parties are still begging abroad and reinforce themselves with abroad in exchange for parties wishing to place the country, then autonomy, which avoids the collapse of the country.And we say to the other party: It is not allowed to accuse third parties of outside interference and, to any merit whatsoever, one wants to penetrate the whole world.

He asked, "Are we going to court for a law that is subject to everything and applies to everyone? These are the things that give the citizen the badurance that there is a law that protects and applies to all. "At every disagreement, we can not cross roads and pull one over the other."

He concluded: "These issues must be treated in a manner that is not repeated with each difference, and we are confident in the wisdom of President Michel Aoun to deal with such issues."

Michel Aoun

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