Third Coffee Cup Forum Discusses Visual Media and Coexistence in Beirut House


Saturday, July 28, 2018 The Saudi Embbady in Lebanon has enjoyed great success over the last two months: the forum is a new media platform where the Saudi initiative brings together a number of politicians and community representatives. Diplomatic officials, representatives of embbadies and a number of media professionals and interested parties.

The forum aims to change traditional media policy and openness to new media, including reaching out to different segments of society, exchanging views and promoting a culture of dialogue. That the third forum "Fing A number of owners and publishers of satellite channels will participate in the conference in Lebanon, and a number of representatives from different communities will participate in the event, as well as". a number of media students in Lebanese universities.

The sources confirmed that the meeting is an extension of Saudi Arabia's policy since the Taif agreement in 1989, which was the signing of the Lebanese National Reconciliation Document, which brought together parties in Lebanon by Saudi mediation, ending the Lebanese civil war. Hello "The House of Beirut" is the third gathering of the "Coffee Cup", where the facade covered by the holes tells the story of the fierce war that the Lebanese have undergone for more than 15 years: a chef- architectural work representing the cruelty of the past and cultural intelligence.

The "Coffee Cup" is the first meeting of its kind at the Arab level.

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Source: Journal of Okaz

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