This is the "Kiki" that challenges Arabs to dance on the car


Who is Keke who started sweeping the dance of the Arab world that they drifted, and called it "Kiki Challenge" required a person to risk and get off a car that move on the road, dancing the songs of the singer song "Rab" Canadian.

The song In My Feeling has in turn become another name for the dashing and wildly described challenge, now popular in most of the world. Kiki is the title of a real girl named Keshia Chanté, born 30 years ago in Ottawa, Canada, from a Portuguese mother from Puerto Rico and a father from Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago in the Caribbean. Her career as a singer, actress and composer, currently based in Toronto, Canada, was preceded by former US President Barack Obama inviting him to pay tribute to a concert that he has held on December 18, 2013 at the White House.

Kiki's relationship with the challenge of dance comes from his debut in the song "The May Filling" by Drake, 32, a native of Toronto, who has American citizenship, Kiki's first lover since the late 1960s. adolescence, He became father of a son named Adonis, of a relationship with a 28-year-old French badgraphic actress, Sophie Brussaux, who currently resides in New York, and did not recognize the paternity of her child, placed last October only five months ago


In the song Drake published in an album that he called Scorpion on June 29, there is something nostalgic that seems to bring him back to his past when he was 16, and to his first love this time- for a teenager two years younger, he remembers her in the song, and asks Keke, do you like me? She wants to know if she likes him, and repeats the question several times, mentioning the names of the other girls in the song influenced by the famous comedy "Interenti", and since the first day of the album, which Shiggy has broadcast videos on communication sites, His music.

The video was quickly rolled out around the world, because on Instagram alone, more than 1.6 million followers, known as The Shiggy Show in the United States, watched the video "more than 6 million". The new "Ice Bucket Challenge", as well as the "Lipstick Challenge", is a new challenge, as we knew it in 2014. The past.

The actor who challenged and then scanned the video

but Kiki is different from each other in the world of flying challenges because dangerous, and may result in a shift to murder, or at least to injuries and malformations during the descent of the wish to dance from the car, While the remains of the interior of the picture, or the dancer himself put a camera on the front seat to be photographed automatically dance accompanied by the car without being there.

The challenge attracted even world-clbad celebrities, including American actor Will Smith, who aired a video on his YouTube channel on the Budapest bridge a week ago, but soon realized that millions could imitate it. And advised not to run in this "kiki". The video of Egyptian actress Dina Al-Sherbini, broadcast by "" and aired today, is still the same, while most Arab countries are beginning to warn against the Dance challenge because "Kiki" is not a game but a trap. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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