Thousands of African children were captured in slavery traps


The world.

Some crooks work on social networks to attract talented kids and ask their families to send them large sums of money to Britain and other European countries.

Snobbers use African stars in European clubs to inspire similar experiences.

When young people pay money, they are taken to neighboring or distant countries, under the pretext that they are expecting a travel visa, but find themselves stranded without proof of identity or identity. Money to bring them home.

In this impbade, he is Forcing children to engage in prostitution or drug trafficking In other cases, children become slaves in search of celebrity and lucrative wages.

According to a Sunday Bebel investigation, human traffickers target 15,000 children a year.

Head of the International Football Federation's security department, Chris Eaton, a former INTERPOL official, explained that thousands of children fall into the trap each year.

Children are promised to join the Premier League clubs, which prompted several clubs to launch

The British newspaper reported the story of Nigerian Andreio Gerald, who received a pledge of & [[39393939393939aclubagenttojoinateamintheEnglishPremierLeaguewhichmadehispoorfamilyprovidehimwith700pounds

Gerald, who was playing at the Nigerian Lagos Club, went to Senegal where he was asked to d & # 39; Wait a week for the visa to be issued and then go to Romania in a preliminary test phase.

The dreamer did not receive any visas, so he spent 14 years and was stuck in the capital Dakar, and could not leave the country with very little difficulty.

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