Thus, the total eclipse of the moon will affect the towers


The world is on a date with a total lunar eclipse on July 27 and will last more than 100 minutes and will be the longest of the decade

The lunar eclipse represents the period when the towers readjust their feelings and get rid of all the previous questions. Perhaps the tricks began to pick the feelings that "accumulate" little by little for a while, as they were preparing for the next big event in a few days. These feelings are completely natural and should not be feared, but accepted, and with eclipses of this magnitude and duration, the vast majority of tricks are confronted with strong feelings buried years ago

. Bring a lot of stress to the life of all the towers. This month is a difficult stage for everyone on the emotional level, but with the arrival of the month of August, the most difficult phase will be over.

The total eclipse of the moon will remove old fears and feelings.


Pregnancy will feel that failure is very close, the idea, the project or the goal that ensures its success for years will seem a waste of time and effort. What pregnancy knows is that the time that has been set to ensure the success of this goal is not a waste of time, but a journey that has shaped its character and has made stronger. The failure rate of this project or goal is great but this failure is not the end of the world The life and future of the individual are not determined by the. failure of a decision or a goal. These feelings will no doubt be hard and will be strong and sharp but the pregnancy is strong and can safely go beyond the total eclipse.

The Buffalo

The bull will be horrified and will tighten strongly during this period. The absolute fear of change will not emerge strongly. The bull is fully convinced that a change in his life can destroy him and ruin all his plans and projects. There are outstanding decisions that may be related to work or travel, badociation or other projects and you will find that the bull itself tends to reject everything during this time. Do not give up, but on the bull postpone all decisions next month, this period is the worst possible period to resolve decisions.


Gemini is now in a good position, he is able to reach the stage of physical stability and he produces constant and periodic inputs If some of those belonging to Gemini have been able to & dquo; To reach this stage, maybe it's time to stop self-justification and make excuses. This period is sensitive because the total eclipse will make the Gemini question its own abilities and so will work on its own to make sure not to go back to what it was before.


Cancer is a particularly difficult time for cancer because it is one of the tricks that does not leave the past to go in peace and therefore the amount of emotions buried. very tall.


Assad spent a good part of his life suppressing his fears by claiming that everything was fine and that his life was going well. The total eclipse of the moon will reveal all these fears at once, and this time Assad will not be able to suppress them. Instead of giving in to negative feelings, he may have to consider what happens to him as a "service" and face his fears and treat them as he should because these repressed fears have made him make random decisions that have affected his life, especially in the long run.

The present and future period is not suitable for self-criticism. In general, the greatest fears of the Virgin are not better than others and that is what continues to compare to colleagues and friends and even to strangers. Often, if not always transferred is the losing party. The lunar eclipse will make the virgin in a very advanced phase of "self-badping" and this will affect her in the long run if he can not control it.

The scales are afraid of disaster, and the disaster of this tower is the imbalance, the quarrels and the negative atmosphere. The calamity comes, the scales, because all the tricks, including you, will face a hard confrontation with their buried feelings, and so the harmony will be almost nonexistent. Scales accept what is happening and can learn an important lesson.


With the lunar eclipse, Scorpio will find himself in a delicate stage in his relationship with the partner. The relationship will be in a place that the scorpion would not have imagined would happen to him and would be in the possibility of being alone. This scares the scorpion because, after all that has happened, he does not want to be alone. The scorpion attached to him gives himself and the partner a little freedom of this period and allows eclipses to be well transmitted.


The current period spent in the arcade can be considered as the period of rebirth. Sagittarius realizes that he must be a totally different person and let the old personality go forever. The lunar eclipse will be very difficult on the bow because it will cause a lot of fears at a very sensitive stage, this tower is still taking its first steps in this new world and therefore the possibility of fear and decline dozens of not back arrives. The bow should look forward to a bright future because that is what awaits it can safely go through this period


Fears that will affect Capricorn during the Eclipse period are the horror of the unknown. This tower needs concrete plans in his life so that he can walk step by step and so the unknown rout and makes him backward because he does not know how to deal with it. Instead of trying to control everything on a serious basis, coexistence with the coming period is very delicate. The possibilities are not catastrophic, serious, because they can be taken into account and deal with different scenarios and prepare for unthinking scenarios. Who knows, maybe the next period that forces you to face your fears offers you dozens of opportunities that will benefit you.


The total eclipse of the moon in the house of Aquarius and this tower will be more affected than others. It would be like a hurricane of buried and negative feelings and fears that go back years and years, but the good news is that this selfish suffering means getting rid of them all at the same time. A complete and complete detox is waiting for Aquarius and all he has to do is find the power, which he certainly possesses, not to succumb to these negative emotions. What comes is certainly happier, Aquarius, so find strength and let all the buried emotions go away forever.


Whale will find feelings of "inferiority" that will spoil his month. Total eclipses will show what the whale has endured, and its concern is not to be as expected or to be less qualified than others. This tower will feel that it has no value and that it will or will not exist, it will be a very difficult step on a sensitive tower that tends to easily succumb to depression and sadness. The good news is that the scene will pbad, and the towers advise the whale to exploit it and take the risk of ending up after this difficult time in a new and refreshing and happy place.

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