To improve your health in 2019. Here are the vitamins and minerals you should focus on!


In parallel with the beginning of the new year, many experts recommend preparing a statement of account for the health situation and review all that relates to it in the hope of starting the year in the best psychological conditions and physical. Experts recommend the use of 5 minerals and vitamins until 2019 to promote energy and overall immunity.

vitamin D
Vitamin has many health benefits, including immunity, disease resistance and, therefore, special attention should be paid to it, especially during the winter months, enough to promote normal growth, the development of bones and teeth.

Vitamin B12

It plays an important role in nerve function: it builds and strengthens red blood cells, produces DNA, improves mood, increases the level of energy, memory, heart health, the digestion and prevents osteoporosis.

Magnesium enters more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including dietary representations, synthesis of fatty acids, proteins and the transfer of nerve impulses.

It is concerned with preserving the health of the intestines because the deterioration of the condition can lead to health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and the immune system is facing risks.

Super foods or "nutrient-rich"
Usually a mixture filled with essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and alkaline properties.

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