To preserve the blessing of living together


A member of the block of the "strong republic" congratulated the MP George Adwan in general, on the occasion of the holiday of Eid al-Adha, and estimated that "Eid al- Adha has a special advantage for us, where the Lebanese are getting closer. "

During a meeting with the residents of the Shmeis town in Al-Khroub – Al-Shouf, in the house of Mukhtar Al-Shmeis – Ain al-Assad, George Al-Qazi, Adwan stressed that "since the At the beginning of the cedar revolution, we attach great importance to living together in this region, which requires us to share our joys and desires. " "The Chouf is a model of coexistence."

He stressed "the need to preserve the blessing of living together as brothers in an atmosphere of peace, security and tranquility reigning in love and affection", wishing that "all holidays for the Lebanon and the Lebanese will bring comfort, security, peace, stability and peace of mind.

He stressed that "our visit to our people in the region was natural and natural, and with open heart and laughing face", stressing that "our message of 2005 we would like to follow it and we want to finish it".

He added: "We are the guardians of the common life, the guards of reconciliation, the guardians of our love of life and the guards that this country is equal for all its children before the law. region, are the builders of this state, so we want to build the state together, so that it can be a capable, just and strong state, encompbading all its children. "

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