Trains and flying frogs: how will the future of living organisms be on Earth?


Flying trees and flying frogs: a fantastic future for living beings on EarthSource image
Emmanuel Lafont

In the early 1980s, Douglas Dixon published a book titled "Beyond the Man: The Zoology of the Future," which describes the lives of millions of years later.

In his book, Dickson imagines the emergence of rat-like animals, whose apron is used as parasols, monkeys and snakes long enough to chase birds flying in the sky, and night owls like squirrels from plane attacking their prey with long spines covering their chest and birds with heads with flowers and bats Fool the insects to lure them into their mouths.

Dixon says his book was an attempt to explore the possibilities of the natural world in the future. He believes that evolution has not been a thing of the past, but is occurring today and will increase in the future after the extinction of the human race .

Most biologists agree that the Earth will be very different in millions of years. Just as the world, dominated by mammals, would have seemed fantastic to those who lived in the dinosaur era, the organisms that would develop in the future would seem strange and unimportant to our world.

In light of the information we have about life on Earth and the laws of evolution, how will life and organisms live after millions of years?

Jonathan Loosus, an evolution biologist at the University of Washington, said that after the Cambrian explosion, about 540 million years ago, the country was inhabited by creatures fantastic and superstitious.

In the Burgess Hill area of ​​Canada, sci-fi films have revealed fossils of animals such as the Halosigna marine, characterized by its tall tubular body covered with large spines and long claws.

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Emmanuel Lafont

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Will "flower simulation" be one of the tips that birds will use to attract insects and take them?

It is not unlikely that organisms are created just as much as those found in fossils, but Loosus says it will take years to develop.

Loosus thinks that the biological possibilities are unlimited and that the future could carry more.

However, access to some predictions about future life forms is almost impossible. Scientists are still discussing the predictability of the evolutionary pathway or its eventual recurrence over long periods of time, not to mention 39 occurrence of a coincidence, such as a volcanic eruption or a meteoric impact Earth. This is why we are going to present some possibilities based on deliberate speculations.

In the beginning, if humans lived millions of years, they would have a significant impact on future development. Natural selection would lead to the development of new species of organisms capable of managing environments polluted by human activities.

"A bird can have a special beak to help him eat food from tin cans, or mice have oily fur to help them get rid of toxic sewage," said Peter Ward, paleontologist from the University of Washington to Future University.

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Emmanuel Lafont

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In the future, animals could acquire new traits to adapt to the polluted world

He predicts that new species of animals and birds that are strong and adaptable and that are not afraid to live close to humans and who can benefit from them, such as domestic cats, mice, raccoons, cayenne flies, crows, pigeons, flies, flies, fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites.

The driest and hottest weather on the planet and lack of fresh water, forcing some organisms to adapt in new ways. "The animals have come up with special coping methods to help them absorb moisture from the air," says Patricia Brennan, an evolution biologist at Mount Holyoke College, in Mbadachusetts, which has developed wider and longer sails or skin membranes that separate them in the morning to capture the moisture from the air. What surrounds the neck of some lizards to help them collect water on their way. "

With global warming, Brennan expects mammals and birds to lose some of their fur or feathers to recover water from their leather pockets.

Humans in the future can deliberately change the forms of life on Earth. Genetic engineering, biotechnology and the impact of human civilizations can completely change the course of evolution, for example by transforming the genetic heritage of male mosquitoes into sterile artificial bees or propagation to pollinate plants. Evolution can be linked to human desires and needs.

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Emmanuel Lafont

Legend of the image

Deer may one day use their horns for a new purpose

But there are other visions of future development: our more conscious grandchildren can decide to preserve the environment and bring animals and plants back to their original habitat for the sake of life. evolution occurs naturally, or the human race may be extinct.

Mbad extinction can also alter the pace and course of evolution, as in previous mbad extinctions, in which plants and animals were completely transformed.

The mbadive extinction of the Permian, 252 million years ago, killed 95% of marine species and 70% of wild species, including reptiles with a fin on their backs and huge reptiles that dominated the land at the time.

This mbad extinction has given way to the development of dinosaurs that have become the most powerful wild animals, then a mbadive extinction in the Cretaceous-tripartite period, as a result of which mammals have replaced the dinosaurs to become the dinosaurs. dominant wild animals of the planet.

Ward says that mbad extinction has not only changed the number of plant and animal species on Earth, but also the composition of the globe.

Some biologists predict the emergence of different forms of living organisms with new capabilities that the mind can not conceive. During the first billion years of life on Earth, for example, it was impossible to imagine the appearance of oxygen breathing organisms, due to the lack of Oxygen on Earth and the fact that the cells of living organisms were not yet developed to derive energy from oxygen.

But things have changed after the spread of a type of bacteria based on photosynthesis that has led to the first mbad extinction on Earth for about 2.4 million years. Oxygen levels have increased in the atmosphere and the planet has changed.

If we badume the extinction of the human race in 100 million years, will other organisms become more complex and ferocious? Can we see trees walking on the ground or celebrating the bodies of animals that you have killed with toxic smoke?

How will marine life change? Will spiders throw themselves into the water and catch fish with filament nets, while fish learn to fly and deep animals send three-dimensional images of their image to deceive predators and attract prey? ? Or, whales and catfish can recover the ability of their predecessors to run on land to hunt their prey.

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Emmanuel Lafont

Legend of the image

It is not unlikely that strange and unprecedented animal and plant species combine the genetic traits of many other species, but their stages of development will take long periods.

Can organisms survive in environments different from their previous habitats, such as flying giant pests, such as in the air, such as jellyfish, or insects and spiders, nesting above the clouds and feed photosynthetic organisms. Can glaciers cover a green blanket?

"These badumptions are not excluded because many of them are based on already existing facts," said Athena Aktibis, a biologist at the University of Arizona. Scientists have proved that there were already spiders crossing the seas and flying in the air. They discovered the life of bacteria on clouds.

The luminous balls which attract its prey are suspended at the head of the lion's fish. Dead whales and catfish in some areas can crawl up to the beach to hunt animals. Scientists have also discovered the existence of small, scattered environmental systems on ice harboring many species of organisms on black dust deposits composed of soot, rock particles and microbes.

Joe Wolf, an evolution biologist at Harvard University, notes that it has been shown that some trees are crawling very slowly towards water sources and that they could get develop to hunt their prey with toxic gases or thorns and that there are already carnivorous plants.

Woolf also reports that spiders eat fish and that bacteria that live on clouds can grow from microorganisms living in the upper layers of the ocean.

Unusual adaptation methods only require extreme environments. This is what happened to the males of Abu Shis who reacted to the deep shortage of females in the depths of the ocean by anchoring with the females because the chances of finding another female are almost non-existent.

Christine Hawk, a behavioral biologist at the University of Maryland, explains that these behaviors may be common in animals. Over time, natural selection may leave autologous animals while it is almost impossible to find females or males.

Lin Kaboril, biochemist, thinks it's wrong to think that living organisms will remain trapped in their current habitat. He points out that some fish are already flying to find insects and catch birds, while others crawl to the ground and climb trees. Sometimes squids fly over the surface of the ocean with the help of water sprayers and fins.

In his book, Ward speculates that frogs have evolved to produce hydrogen from water and store it in their throats to help them jump and can also fly in the air like jellyfish. Her legs will weaken as she will no longer need to walk and her body may become larger to help her escape from rodents. His legs, which look like octopus arms, will be used to capture prey, such as deer. The sky is full of frogs and its shadows dominate the earth.

In light of our limited understanding of the evolution, genetics and role of episodic events in adaptation and evolution, no one can determine what life will lead to. to come up. Ward says that the colors of animals that will arise from future evolution and adaptation processes, behaviors and shapes, can only be known by riddles.

But if we are to be guided by the current unstable world, we should perhaps not exclude that future development takes unimaginable paths.

You can read the original article from BBC News

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