Tribute to Hind Sabri at the "Menarat Al Cinema" festival in Tunis


Tribute to Sabri at the Festival of Film Lighthouses in Tunisia Our news, quoting the ONA press agency, pays tribute to Hend Sabri at the Cinema Manarat Festival in Tunis, paying tribute to Hind Sabri at the Festival des Phares du Cinéma in Tunis. Our site Akhbarna diary and start with the main news, in tribute to Hind Sabri at the Festival of Film Lighthouses in Tunisia.

Akhbaruna News Jul 10, 2018 | 12:52 pm

The festival of Tunisian film lighthouses will be honored Tuesday, in its first session by the star Hend Sabri.

Hind Sabri presents the opening ceremony of the festival, which runs until the 15th of this month.

The opening ceremony was scheduled for Monday, but was postponed to commemorate the martyrs of the Tunisian people who were victims of the recent terrorist attack.

The film "Silence of the palaces", the first of the films of Hind Sabri, and the director Moufida Al-Talati, screenwriter, will be screened the 14th of the same month, in partnership with the Tunisian director Nouri Bouzid. Cannes International Film Festival, and participated in the official competition of the Cairo International Film Festival.

The film revolves around Alia, a 25-year-old woman who returns to her birthplace, a palace belonging to a Tunisian royal family prince, mother of a concubine and employed as a singer in Tunisia after the departure of l & # 39; occupation. And let's go back to the memories of his childhood in the palace in the sixties of the last century to find that they accept the life lived by his mother and includes the imposition of slavery restrictions rather than any other. 39 try to avoid them.


The festival of the Mediterranean Film Lighthouse in Tunis will be held on Tuesday, in its first session, the star Hend Sabri.

Hind Sabri presents the opening ceremony of the festival, which runs until the 15th of this month.

The opening ceremony was scheduled for Monday, but was postponed to commemorate the martyrs of the Tunisian people who were victims of the recent terrorist attack.

The film "Silence of the palaces", the first of the films of Hind Sabri, and the director Moufida Al-Talati, screenwriter, will be screened the 14th of the same month, in partnership with the Tunisian director Nouri Bouzid. Cannes International Film Festival, and participated in the official competition of the Cairo International Film Festival.

The film revolves around Alia, a 25-year-old woman who returns to her birthplace, a palace belonging to a Tunisian royal family prince, mother of a concubine and employed as a singer in Tunisia after the departure of l & # 39; occupation. And let's go back to the memories of his childhood in the palace in the sixties of the last century to find that they accept the life lived by his mother and includes the imposition of slavery restrictions rather than any other. 39 try to avoid them.

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Source: Ona News Agency