Trump and May confirm their positions on the Iranian nuclear and relations with Russia and the European Union


British Prime Minister Teresa Mae confirmed that the security partnership between Britain and the United States will develop in the next phase, saying at the same time, "Economic relations with the United States must be developed. " May revealed that London and Washington have agreed to seek "an ambitious trade deal between the two countries after the British exit from the European Union."

At a joint press conference held Friday with US President Donald Trump. The latter have a common relationship. He denied his criticism of May during his interview with The Sun, who quoted him as saying: "The exit of Britain from the European Union has probably ended the hope of A future trade agreement between the two countries. "

From the European Union, the British Prime Minister stressed that the withdrawal of the European Union will be at the moment "in accordance with the interests of the British people". "With the end of negotiations with the EU, we will have an independent trade policy," she said. "We have agreed that as the United Kingdom leaves the EU, we will pursue an ambitious free trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom."

For its part, Trump confirmed support for the decisions of the British people and found solutions on the bilateral relationship. The United States pays 90% of NATO spending and Europe is the main beneficiary of the alliance.

Relationship with Russia

Regarding relations with Russia, May states that Britain and the United States face Russia. "We agreed that it is important to engage Russia in terms of strength and unity," Trump said. "Trump also saw an opportunity to improve relations with Russia at the upcoming summit with Putin, and stressed that he will discuss" with the Russian side the records of Syria, Ukraine and Ukraine. from other parts of the world. "

Attitude of the Iranian Weapon

Regarding the problematic relationship with Iran, the British Prime Minister announced to do about the" l. " Iran. "

In turn, the US President stressed the need" not to obtain an Air N Nuclear Weapons "saying:" Prime Minister Mai has been encouraged to continue to put pressure on the air force ". Iran ". Trump said that "nuclear weapons are the biggest problem in the world."

He criticized the "very regrettable" results of the May strategy in the exit negotiations with the EU.

He badured the newspaper Sun: "If they enter into such an agreement, our relations with the EU will be in place of the United Kingdom." In fact, she told Theresa May how she had to do it but she did not listen. "

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders quickly denied that the president" likes and respects the prime minister a lot. "He said that he had said in the interview that she was "an excellent character and that he never said anything bad about it."

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