Trump arrives in London during his first visit to Britain … and a demonstration at his reception


US President Donald Trump arrived in London on Thursday for his first visit since taking office early last year in Britain, which is currently experiencing a political crisis as a result of his decision to withdraw from the European Union. The US ambbadador to Regent's Park, where Trump will spend his first night in Britain with his wife, Melania, to protest their refusal to visit. "Donald Trump is not welcome," AFP reports.

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Protesters chanted their highest waves when The Trump helicopter moved to Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, which dates back to the eighteenth century.

The US Presidential plane landed earlier at Stansted Airport in the capital British security forces are preparing to take strict security measures during the visit and more than 4,000 soldiers have been recruited for this purpose, according to the local newspaper Telegraph

. The US President, which takes 4 days, includes Brita

With the visit of Blenheim Palace, Trump begins his tour program, and a military ceremony is scheduled before dinner, in the presence of 100 guests, most of whom are Representatives from Business and Finance

Friday's program begins with Trump's visit to a military facility (unannounced), accompanied by British Prime Minister Theresa May, to attend a presentation using technology from the military cooperation between London. And Washington, to meet later on a lunch

Later, the US president will travel to Wincro, west of London, to meet Queen Elizabeth II, in the presence of her two grandsons, the Prince William, Harry and their two wives. [1965901] Trump travels with his wife Melania to Scotland for the weekend and could visit American-owned golf facilities and facilities.

British Prime Minister Theresa May sent an official invitation to Trump to visit Britain. Trump installation in 2017. Not only that, but despite the mbadive protests against him, and the promise made by a number of British MPs to block his speech in parliament, the visit was reduced to a working visit.

Trump canceled his visit to London to open his new building. Waiting in the heart of London. But he then argued that opposition to the decision of former President Barack Obama to sell the former embbady for a small fee and the construction of a new building was costing $ 1 billion , although the decision was taken during the reign of George Bush Jr.
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