Trump is very concerned about the financial demands of NATO


The World – Two Americans

Trump made harsh statements against his allies in the Atlantic even before he arrived in Brussels and launched the summit

In a rare attack on such summits between allies , Germany attacked the first economic power of the European Union "Germany is under the full control of Russia."

At the plenary session, he stressed that the members should honor their commitment in 2014 to allocate 2% of gross domestic product to defense spending by 2024 before asking them to lift them. Up to 4%, according to the White House.

However, the joint statement was obscured Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Aselborn said about the 4% proposal: "Donald Trump started saying that he was very fond of Europeans and two years later, his speech aimed to share the burden of defense spending. "NATO's approach is not a market for buying security."

The secretary general of the NATO has sought to avoid going to the press conference at the end of the day, "Let's start with the 2 percent that still require a lot of effort."


The 15 member countries of the alliance, including Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium, still account for 1.4% of the product gross domestic in 2018, which means that they will not be able to honor their commitments.As the Allies increase their spending millet 2% "immediately."

Trump and Merkel met separately after the first session of the summit. The president changed his tone completely, pointing out that he was badociated with "very good relations" with the German Chancellor.

He says he has discussed with Merkel the North Stream gas pipeline project, but refuses to go into the details of the meeting. [ad_2]
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