"Tunisia Night" at the Oran Festival of Arab Film in Algeria Tonight


Tunisia's night of Elias Bakkar will be presented at the eleventh session of the Oran International Film Festival (July 25-31), in the presence of Amira Shibli, Halmi Al-Deridi and Amal Al-Hathili.

The film was premiered at the 39th Cairo International Film Festival, as part of the official section of feature and long documentary films, won by the best actor in the film, Raouf Ben Omar.

The film revolves around the "Joseph" who is preparing to After more than 20 years of work on the Tunisian national radio, during the last broadcast of his program, Tunisia Night interrupts the show, and through the Yusuf family, we see different ways of life in Tunisia where everyone suffers from great conflicts. His family is leaving and swallowing the city that he no longer knows.

Elias Bakkar directed and directed "Tunisia El Lail" and co-produced with Mohamed Ali Bin Hamra, with Raouf Ben Omar, Amal Hathili, Amira Shibli and Helmi Dridi, MAD Solutions is responsible for its distribution in the Arab world.

Elias Baccar is a Tunisian director, graduated from the French Film School, badistant director in several Tunisian and international films, director of several short films, commercials and documentaries. In 2006, he won several awards, Best Short Documentary footage, From several festivals, his documentary has received the critically acclaimed red word, has won several awards, and Tunisia is the night is w
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