Tunisian Amina Fakht returns to the Carthage scene after a long absence


Tunisian singer Amina Fakht regained her brilliance as a shining star in the sky after her audience captured her fresh voice, her distinctive songs and her overwhelming presence when the Romanian Roman Theater took the International Carthage Festival yesterday after an absence of ten years or so. Who was absent from the big festivals for a long time on the stage before receiving the Mashtaq reception echoing his name amidst applause and screams of love and admiration.

The Tunisian artist (50 years old) strong voice gave a bouquet of his most famous songs We go out together (and) Sultan Hobek Zl And a new song called "Sultana Gram"

Amina also a number of folk and heritage songs that are firmly rooted in the consciousness of the Tunisian public, such as (on the front of a gang), (God willing, love, listen to me)

Amina Fakht, who has has been put away and absent from major art festivals for nearly 10 years, is expected to give a second concert at the Carthage Festival on Tuesday.

Amina, whose artistic career began in the 1980s, The few Tunisians who have a high position among the Tunisian public and attend a huge audience 002] The Carthage Festival at its 54th session will host a number of stars Arabs such as Marcel Khalife, Iraqi Kazem El Saher and Palestinian Amir Dandan.

The oldest artistic festival will continue in Tunisia until August 17.

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