Two Egyptians are squash world champions in India – Abdel Moneim Fahmi


The Egyptian duo Mustafa Al-Ahly and Rawan Al Arabi won the Smouha Championship for the world squash championships currently taking place in India.

This title is number 13 for Egypt in the junior game, and number 12 for women, Rowan's second title, after beating compatriot Hania Alhamami 1/3, to join the convoy of players who have won the title twice:

(1965, 2013)

It is interesting that this victory for Rouen is the second Hania, respectively, where he brought them the final of the year last in New Zealand.

On the men's side, Mustafa Assal won his first title with a 3-0 win over defending champion Marwan Tariq.

The world squash championships began in 1981 and took place every two years, before each year starting in 2009:

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