Two explosions in Pakistan targeting electoral rallies: 24 dead in one day


At least 20 people were killed and more than 40 were injured in a bomb blast during an election rally in Maastong City, southern Pakistan, said a senior official at the 39; AFP.

This is the second attack targeting an election rally in Pakistan, where parliamentary elections take place on July 25 in a tense atmosphere.
"There were 20 people killed in the blast, and we fear that this toll will increase," said Interior Minister Baluchistan Agha Omar Bengal Zai.

The attack took place in Maastong, about 40 km from Quetta, capital of Baluchistan.

The Interior Minister said that the attack was aimed at a meeting of politician Mir Siraj Risani, who was killed. "He died of his wounds during his transfer to Quetta," he said, adding that he was a candidate for a position of regional vice president of the Baluchistan Awami Party.

Earlier in the day, a bomb hidden in a motorcycle near Bano (northwestern Pakistan) exploded following the pbadage of a convoy of another candidate, killing four people and wounding twenty others.
The targeted politician, Akram Khan Durrani, a representative of an alliance of religious parties, survived the attack. A suicide bomber on Tuesday night claimed responsibility for the attack on the Pakistani Taliban in the Pakistani city of Peshawar in northwestern Pakistan, killing 22 people, according to a new report. b, e, v, n, t, s)
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