UAE participates in ministerial meeting of Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum


The UAE participated in the eighth ministerial meeting of the Forum on Arab-Chinese Cooperation, opened today in Beijing, in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping, a number of Arab leaders and the United Arab Emirates. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the Arab League. His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of State and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Mr. Jumaa Mubarak Al-Junaibi, Ambbadador of the State of Oman 39, Egypt to the Arab League. The meeting affirmed that the People's Republic of China is an important strategic partner for the Arab countries, emphasizing that the Arab-Chinese relations have experienced remarkable development and have reached great horizons of cooperation between the two parties in all fields.

With the People's Republic of China and continuous and continuous communication with them, and work to establish an overall strategic relationship between the two friendly countries in all fields.

The Minister noted that the large Arab participation at this meeting underscores the importance of historical relations between countries. And the People's Republic of China, which reflects the aspirations of governments and peoples of these countries to take advantage of opportunities and resources and to promote development and exchange efforts with the People's Republic of China. Among the common interests of the Arab countries, the geographical and political importance of the Arab countries, the international role of China and its place on the international scene and the belief in the need to coordinate positions and expand the frameworks of cooperation and consultation between the two parties. "In this context, Iran's interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries and its support for terrorist militias in the brotherly Arab countries pose a direct threat," he said. meet today under difficult circumstances and challenges, for the security and stability of the region and the world, and a factor undermining development and fueling conflict, which requires us to have more coordination and cooperation for to meet these challenges. "

His Excellency expressed his condemnation of the Iranian occupation of the three islands. Abu Musa reiterated the call to Iran to respond to all efforts to find a peaceful solution to this problem through bilateral negotiations or referral to the International Court of Justice. Saudi Arabia emerged on the official request of the internationally recognized legitimate government of Yemen and on Security Council resolution 2216 aimed at restoring stability and restoring the legitimacy of fraternal Yemen

. In Yemen and facilitate the entrance of the aid Defeat the Houthi militia by drying the weapons used to attack the Yemeni people and threaten the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. "

On the Palestinian Question and the Middle East Peace Process, His Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber said: In accordance with international references and the Arab Peace Initiative, reiterated the appeal the United Arab Emirates to all parties to advance towards a just, lasting and comprehensive peace that meets the aspirations of the fraternal Palestinian people.

He emphasized that the United Arab Emirates supported all United Nations efforts to bring peace in Syria and measures taken to alleviate the suffering of civilians, including the establishment of zones to facilitate escalation

Working with all States and regional and international organizations concerned with the Syrian crisis to support humanitarian and political efforts to accelerate the end of the crisis

The Beijing Declaration of the Ministerial Meeting of the Arab Cooperation Forum Chinese and the Executive Document

The Arab-Chinese Forum was established in 2004 and held its first session at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League in Cairo, followed by a second session in Beijing in 2006. [19659002] The most important Arab international cooperation mechanisms and the Arab-Japanese Cooperation Forum have made it possible to launch a number of subsidiary mechanisms covering most areas of cooperation between the two parties, such as energy, energy, energy, water and electricity. environment, investment, media,

The ministerial meeting is a high-level action mechanism within the framework of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum, held every two years in China or at the headquarters of the Arab League or alternately in an Arab country, at the level of foreign ministers and the secretary general of the League. Both parties will monitor the implementation of the Forum's work program, develop new executive programs and exchange views on common regional and international issues.

Ministerial meeting discusses ways to strengthen cooperation between China and Arab countries [ad_2]
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