UAE to attend Ethiopia trip for peace trip to Ethiopia


The chargé d'affaires of the Embbady of Ethiopia, Ali Saad Amira, attended the reception organized on the occasion of the inauguration of the first flight between the l & # 39; 39, Ethiopia and Eritrea since the interruption of flights between the two countries 20 years ago.

Former Ethiopian Prime Minister Haile Mariam Daslin, dignitaries and representatives of accredited missions and organizations in Ethiopia also attended the ceremony that took place at the VIP Hall of the United States. 39, Poli International Airport.

Ethiopian to celebrate the flight "IT 0312" in Asmara, which took off from the Poli International Airport and described it as the general manager of the company, created Jeper Mariam as "A unique event in the history of Ethiopia and Eritrea"


A dispute over the demarcation led to a 1998-2000 war that killed 80,000 people before the conflict turned into a cold war.

Last month, Ethiopian reformist Prime Minister Abe Mohamad abruptly announced that Ethiopia would abide by a 2002 resolution by a committee here, the United Nations on demarcating the border between the two country, paving the way for peace between the two countries.

then made a historic visit to Eritrea, during which he announced President Isaias Afwerki, the official end of the war between the two countries. A few days later, Afwerki went to Ethiopia for a state visit.

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