Understanding between Arabs and Emirates Opening


It is not enough to spread Maarab's understanding by the Lebanese Forces or to declare the Free Patriotic Movement as an end of power to alleviate the enormity of its violation of political and national life in Lebanon. The Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement have pledged to proclaim their political repentance and to apologize to Lebanese Christians and Muslims for the fact that sick minds have been in the conquest of the homeland and the constitution. It seems to the perceptive viewer that he reads in the literature the sharpening of souls, the food of Christian fear and difference, and the presentation of the ideas of federalism and seclusion that we have known during the civil war.

The two signatory teams are the strong bloc of Lebanon and the strong bloc of the republic. Which Lebanon and which republic can be reached in an agreement that focuses on rules and customs that have nothing to do with the constitution? Lebanon, which is wanted by the Alliance of the powerful to consecrate the power of the powerful in their sects, and the distribution of Christian ministerial posts and functions of the first category in the official departments, public institutions and governing councils belonging to the Christians, including the first centers of leadership in official institutions Etc.)? Is not it impossible to achieve in the Christian arena, which has emerged through accusations of arrogance, an explicit call to all Lebanese to join their communities, and exclusion of all Lebanese believers in Lebanon, homeland and citizenship? Were the "two strong allied groups" unable to agree on a single annex or national issue and were they able to apply the principle of competence or respect for the mechanisms of the Council of Ministers mentioned in the agreement?

The agreement has collapsed not because of disagreements over ministerial seats and the quality and number of portfolios, but because the goal for both parties has been achieved and it is not the case. is not necessary for its continuation. On January 12, 2016, Dr. Geagea left the obsession with coexistence with a republic led by Sleiman Franjieh and proposed a candidate that he still considered as a Christian blanket for an off-state weapon that terrorized the Lebanese and confiscated their political life. General Aoun al-Sai, who was unable to hold Bkerke's meetings for long-time Christians, did not care about the moral impulse that signing Marab Fasraq's accord would give him. support forces for his candidacy, regardless of the terms of the agreement. With the obtaining of a parliamentary majority.

The agreement has expired without justification. General Aoun was aware of the limitations that his allies, especially Hezbollah, could put on the ambitions of Lebanese forces and aware of his ability to reject their claims of his new position as president to prevent them from giving way to a rival. This reinforced the insistence of the president's team to reduce the Lebanese forces, it is the result of the legislative elections, which have dedicated Dr. Geagea to a real competitor on the Christian scene by a electoral law that the promoters wanted for a sectarian duel. If the agreement aims to show the lack of commitment of the Free Patriotic Movement to what has already been committed, its content is national and constitutional, and it is not viable at the time of the fall of all sectarian and alliance minority regimes in the Arab world.

Similar to the understanding of all agreements signed by sectarian groups outside the laws of history, geography and political badembly. This understanding, which I want to understand politically for a full presidential term, comes from any exceptional, safe or economic national vision. Social security system and old age guarantee.

Maarab's understanding was only a clear indication of the evocation of a model of Lebanese dominance derived from partial readings of the history of the Lebanese Principality of Another era that had its reasons: this model never established any form of stability. * Director of the Regional Forum for Studies and Consultations

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