BERLIN (Reuters) – An unhealthy lifestyle paves the way for hepatic steatosis, German nutritionist Nikolai Furm said, adding that unhealthy lifestyles are high in calories, carbohydrates and lack of movement.
Furm added that hepatitis can be inferred by observing only abdominal weight gain, although one is not obese.
For example, he said, fatty liver increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as cirrhosis of the liver, and liver function tests should be done regularly to detect and treat liver infections.
Although there are no drugs to treat fatty liver, it can be counterbalanced by a lifestyle change, that is to say a reduction of sugars, including fructose, flour-based products white and low carbohydrate foods, especially a low-fiber diet, during exercise and kinetic activities.
It is also important to prolong the interval between meals, which should be at least 4 to 5 hours, in order to reduce the blood sugar level, which is very high after eating at home. patients with fatty liver. (AFP)
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