US: Exaggerated wealth and corruption among Iran's rulers .. And a system similar to the "mafia"


"The Economist" of Riyadh

US President Donald Trump warned Iran yesterday of the repercussions of "only a few experienced by history" in response to statements by Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani
. "The e-mail is a response to the warning of Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani that he will not play with the fire because the conflict with Iran will be – as he l? said – "The mother of the battles."
Trump continued his answer, which he wrote in capital letters: "We are no longer a state
Iran is undergoing a severe crisis economic because of the sanctions imposed by the United States, in addition to the collapse of its currency, high prices of raw materials and rampant corruption. In the country, to protest against the policy of their government that supports terrorism to the detriment of their citizens.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also criticized the Iranian leaders and equated them with the "mafia" and promised indeterminate support to Iranians dissatisfied with their government. , Pompeo spoke to an audience in
Pompeo said: "What runs Iran looks more like a mafia than a government."
Rohani and Zarif negotiated with the United States and five other countries on the Iranian nuclear deal.
President Donald Trump has withdrawn from the 2015 agreement to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
The words of Pompeo are the latest in a propaganda campaign of the Trump administration in Iran.
The goal is to match this campaign with the sanctions economy "Washington will work with countries that import Iranian oil to reduce imports as close to zero as possible," Pompeo said. The Trump administration publicly baderts that its policy towards Iran is not aimed at "changing the regime, but changing the course of Tehran until it ceases its nuclear and missile activities and stops supporting agents in the Middle East and armed groups ". ] Pompeo said: "It ultimately belongs to the
Pompeo declared that" the great Iranian rulers have benefited from malfeasance, favors and other illegal gains. "
" The ayatollahs are hypocrites "and seem to care more about wealth than about religion."
"The US government will launch a 24-hour television and radio channel, in addition to digital tools and social media, and Government is also taking steps to help Iranians bypbad Internet censorship. "Foreigners in liquidation of their activities in Iran, where the withdrawal of the companies has continued, the latest of which is the French "CMGM"
The French company "CM CGM", the third of the maritime world, decided to withdraw from Iran because of US sanctions President Donald Trump announced in May that it would be reimposed in the
Patrick Fullyan, president of the oil group Total, announced his withdrawal from a mbadive project to develop phase 11 of the South Pars gas field in Iran, US sanctions, and confirmed in response to "RTL" issues on the sidelines of the economic beneficiary that there is no other "option".
An international group can be managed in 130 countries without access to the American financial community. "Total US" lost "40 million dollars" because of the abandonment of the project in Iran, pointing out that "it is not much according to the" Total "standard, which invests every year 15 As a result , foreign investors have begun to leave Iran, including the French Peugeot and the Maersk Tankers of Denmark
Under the weight of the expected American sanctions, the feeling of losing everything and the near-collapse of its regime, Iran has not found an impending halt in the oil export across the Strait of Hormuz, but its attempts failed with the threat of America
The US Central Command said: "The US Navy is ready to guarantee freedom of navigation and trade across the Strait of Hormuz."
A senior Chinese diplomat also called on Iran to make more to ensure stability in the East Middle East and harmony with its neighbors, according to Reuters
The Strait of Ormuz spends one third of world oil exports, transported daily by sea, connecting the Middle East crude producing countries to the major markets of Asia, the Pacific , from Europe and North America.
when asked about the Iranian threat of closing the straits "China believes that the country concerned should do more to contribute to peace and stability in the region and to participate in the protection of peace and stability, "said Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Xiaodong. . Especially since it is a state that dominates the Gulf, he must devote himself to being a good neighbor and coexist peacefully. China will continue to play its positive and constructive role.
Some 160 European companies operating in Iran are expected to face stiff US sanctions if they continue to cooperate in various investment projects in the country.

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