Van, with 65 Syrians on board, surreptitiously entered the country, arrested two smugglers and fled the driver


The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division announced in a statement: "On 29/07/2018, as part of the fight against human trafficking from Syria to Lebanon, and to the Following extensive investigations and investigations, Israeli occupying forces arrested a 65-year-old Israeli pbadenger in Al-Suwaira town, in the Bekaa refugee camp. (Born in 1999, a Syrian) was convicted of human trafficking, while the driver of the van, Taha (born in 1995, Lebanese), fled to an unknown destination in Mashhad The elements of the patrol, leaving the car in place. "

She added: "handed the detainees and the mechanism to the relevant room to carry the legal requirement against them, and work is underway to stop the driver."

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