Video .. Children train on "plays" Neymar while wasting time


The phenomenon of "lamentation" and "action", famous for the Brazilian star Neymar da Silva, prompted young children to try to imitate it during their training to learn how to waste time in games.

The site, "Mashable", a video of children who fight what the source describes as "Neymar exercises", where they played the ball in a straight line, before falling to the ground and claiming an injury, according to "Sky News."

The amusing behavior of the children was expressed by what Neymar was doing during the World Cup of Russia.

The Paris Saint-Germain attacker was the subject of much criticism from experts and observers, who said they were over-represented to waste time, which would lose his enthusiasm.

A Swiss television report reveals the total number of minutes lost by the Brazilian star in the four matches played by Samba up to now in the World Cup, ie about 14 full minutes (13 minutes and 50 seconds precise ).

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