Video .. Songs and clergy films angered by Qur'anic verses and religious abuse


The pioneers of social networking sites in recent hours, a video clip of one of the imitators dressed in Azhar costume, recited Al-Fatihah to the melodies of music at a party popular in Egypt. The beginning of the crisis and the controversy began because of this video, especially after the broadcast of this video, he expressed the bloggers and Almgrdin through the communication sites to express their anger, s'. questioning about the cycle of Al-Azhar. In Preventing these abusers of the Islamic religion and underestimated his teachings, and restores this video memory on works of art, whether it is music or a film, which has caused controversy because of his verses use the Qur'an or expressions related to religion and considered public insulting religions and made the seventh day of the month of these cases.

In 1995, the Lebanese artist Marcel Khalife aroused a great state of anger in the Lebanese and Islamic streets in general after singing the song "Ana Youssef Abi" in his album "Rakwa Arab", written by the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and composed by Marcel Khalifa The song, which contains a projection of the tragedy of Joseph, that his brothers described in the Bible and the Koran on the tragedy of the Palestinian Arab people have angered Muslim clerics, especially the mufti of the Lebanese Republic Mohammed Rashid Qabbani

Against Marcel many cases accused of defrauding religious rites and congratulations and singing A poem contains part of a Qur'anic verse and the first part of the song "Ayya Yousef, my father … my brothers do not like me, they do not want me … they want me to die to congratulate myself … what did you do, my daughter? "in 1999 , the Court rendered a decision to acquit Marcel Khalife of the charges against him.

The Nightingale of Asmar Abdel Halim Hafez was also the subject of much controversy in the song "I'm not my heart". According to the words of the poet Kamel Shennawi and composed by the composer of generations Mohammed Abdel Wahab, and the song raised the discontent of the men of Al-Azhar because of the phrase "stupid amount" My steps have been crushed by Hamati Khatah ", who accused Abdel Halim of his objection to the divine will! After the departure of the Nightingale, the Egyptian Opera made an arbitrary move to change this sentence during the performance of some singers so that the song becomes "the wisest step" instead of "the crazy of the rhythm." Also, a national song called "Christ" after the troubles of June by the words of the poet Abdel Rahman Abnoudi and the melodies Baligh Hamdi, He opposed Al-Azhar for his words and the adoption of the Bible on the incarnation of the crucifixion of Jesus. This prevented Abdel Halim from interpreting the song in Egypt was made for the first time during his concert in Alb ert Hall in London during the concert, which gathered about 8,000 spectators and returned his recipes to support the military effort of the Egyptian army, which was then the war of attrition, after the success of the song and the spread of censorship allowed the performance of the song and distributed Despite the opposition of Al-Azhar

At the movies in 2012, the film "Abdo Mutah" star Mohammad Ramadan aroused wide controversy before being put on the floor because of the propaganda song "Oh Tahra ya Hbadan and Hussein", which was sung by the 8% group composed Oka festival singers, Arutija and Chahta Karika On the Dina dances, and began a wave of anger that afflicts the Salafists and many human rights organizations and accusations of filmmakers insult the people of the house and came to claim to completely remove the song from the movie.

The film is about to see Dr. Ali Gomaa full version of the film and express his opinion on this song to recommend to Juma to clear the film to show more reverence to the people of The House of the Noble Prophet and a Statement to Hold the Egyptians 19659003] Also Encountered an Elephant The "Farid Shawky" series and Suheir Ramzy, directed by Hussein Imam in 1976, has been described as unwelcome by some because of its use from a Qur'anic verse as a movie, with important value and a message about the role of parents and the importance of justice. The filmmakers filed a lawsuit against the filmmakers but nothing happened.

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