Violence moves the final of the Libertadores Cup between River Plate and Boca Juniors outside of Argentina


CAIRO (Reuters) – The South American Football Association (COMB) announced the final match of the Libertadores Cup between River Plate and Boca Juniors outside of Argentina, following the violence that occurred just before the last leg of the tournament, The past

The match, dubbed "Death Clbadico", was postponed twice due to riots by River Plate fans against Boca Juniors players. Some of them were injured before the match on Saturday, which prompted the South American Association to hold a meeting during the "Commonwealth" charge at "River Plate" due to weak supporters, which led to the decision to transfer the game out of Argentina, but the South American Association did not specify the venue of the new organization. She chose the December 8 and 9 date of the match, One of the proposals is that the match takes place in Uruguay.

The draw between two weeks and two legs ended in a positive draw of 2-2 and the finalists should complete the contract for the UAE tournament from December 12th to 22nd.

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