Wakim and Hanksh between "cancellation classes" and place points on letters


A member of the "Strong Republic" bloc, Imad Wakim, tweeted via Twitter to a member of the Phalange bloc Elias Hanaksh: "We will not consider, contrary to your position, that the discussion with a deputy from Phalange is a futile argument.The secret document is an agreement supplemented by a political agreement that we wrote, not verbal, which means only the Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement. "He added:" The discussions on the lessons of 39, cancellation and exclusive representation are very unfortunate, and I will not make any comment.I will be sure that no one can cancel anything and that no one can cancel anybody.As for you personally, the debate with us is barren , I will consider this last answer between us, so that the dialogue and the exchange of ideas with the Falange remain open and open. "Dear colleague, I will not introduce myself in a debate was but I ask your Excellency:

– Is not it the right of people to discover the facts, not to hide them with secret documents?

– Have not we preached to the Lebanese the lessons of abolition and exclusive representation, especially in the Christian Street? "

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