War of words between the "current" and the "socialist"!


Al-Gomhuriya Newspaper

As the current "war" between the "mainstream" and the "socialist" intensified, the war of words intensified in a new cycle. escalation between the two parties, using the harshest terms. We do not enter into futile debates with this absurd group that insists on adopting cheap satire instead of logical rhetoric.

Socialist sources told Al-Gomhuria: "We have not tried to ignite the arguments, but every time the leader of the party presents a political opinion, there is a campaign of frenetic responses without all political content.We talk about politics with them and they respond with insults.The perception has become known to Lebanese public opinion that the political literature of the "Free Patriotic Movement" is based largely on the insults and the The Progressive Party is ultimately a political party with great representativeness and national reputation: as long as we are in a democratic system until further notice, it has the right to give one's political opinion on the Covenant or on some of the symbols of the Covenant.That amount of hateful responses. "

The sources confirmed, in response to a question:" Nothing in politics. " 9 is called the point of no return, but it is clear that we disagree on a lot of national issues, we do not agree with the performance of Taif, The attempt to institutionalize institutions or away from all the slogans that he has consumed over the years, especially the fight against corruption, has immersed himself in large proportions, the electricity and the ships are the proof. The Lebanese in the light of the deterioration of the economic situation to see the birth of a close government, To see the achievements in the economic and social profile.

words of Aldlailah
Free Patriotic Movement
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