Warning .. Many risks of eating fast


Many medical studies have revealed many risks for fast food. Researchers and doctors have insisted that food should be chewed slowly, and that the chewing process should not last less than 15 minutes, reported Sky News.

Here are some risks:


One of the contributing factors of type 2 diabetes is to eat fast because eating fast gives a feeling of fullness, and therefore leads to more food, glucose fluctuations, and insulin resistance, according to Medical Daily "Medical.

Heart problems

In a medical study conducted by the Japanese University of Hiroshima, scientists evaluated the effect of rapid consumption on the health of participants in the experiment. They also discovered that such consumption makes people more susceptible to heart disease and stroke.

In addition, the metabolism of those who eat fast food increases the risk of increased blood pressure and decreased levels of useful cholesterol.

Obesity and overweight

Eating fast makes you eat more food because your brain needs about 20 minutes to send signs of satiety. You must eat longer before you stop being hungry.

Acidity of the stomach

Unmoked foods can enter the stomach and cause acid reflux and a burning sensation. An accelerated diet is badociated with many ailments, such as indigestion, constipation, swelling and gases.

Food poisoning

It is likely that a person will not quickly feel eating food, especially with junk food, which increases the risk of food poisoning. Fasting can also cause suffocation if ingested without chewing well.

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