Watch a fire attack of Egyptian women on the accused mother of the slain Mona


A video of Egyptian women on the offensive against Wadad Ahmed al-Masri The mother of the Lebanese Mona Almzbouh accused in the case of the publication of an offensive video against the Egyptian people through his account on

During a telephone conversation in the "22h" program with some media, Wael El-Abrachi, on the Dream channel, expressed his anger at the insulting video, refusing to accommodate his parents.

His parents apologized to the Egyptian people. Egyptian justice to do it justice

Imad Kamal Habib, accused Mona's lawyer, added Mabtouh said to have received a letter from the Center for Human Rights in Geneva him asking to report any violation of him or the accused to be informed of the arbitrary detention of the United Nations against Egypt, but refused to cooperate with them.

The accused did not suffer any violation during her trial and she was harmed and punished in accordance with the Egyptian Law on Justice.

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Video: Watch a fire attack of Aids Egypt is on the mother of the accused Mona Almzbouh The title of the news is related to the news link in your site
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