Watch Cyrine Abdel Nour ignites sites with an exciting white look


07/06 22:19

Sereen Abdel Nour is eager to share his latest pictures with his fans and his fans.Serene has posted a new picture today, via his account on the social networking site " Instagram ".

The artist Sireen Abdel Nour played with a seductive and glamorous look in a white dress designed by the famous couturier Nicola Gibran, who chose a simple hairstyle to complete the look.

She chose an elegant mascara to emphasize the beauty of her features. Beautiful jewels that gave him an integrated view Kar An, the last song of Sereen Abdel Nour was composed by Emad Farah and the cast of Roger Abi Aqel, and the film was shot in Lebanon by Emile Slailati, and the last drama Dramatic "Candles of lovers" written by Khaldun Qatalan, directed by Saif Al-Din Sabayi

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