Watsab adds important functionality for the exchange of text messages


Watsab has introduced a new method of sending text messages without having to write them, according to Russia Today.

The new feature is called "Dictation". It allows the user to say what he wants in the phone's microphone and then translate it into text.

In fact, writing letters can be a very slow way if you are trying to very quickly convey a lot of information to someone, which is too much of users' access to voice messages, but the whole thing world does not like to receive audio messages because it is not always appropriate to listen And this has prompted Watsab to add the "Dictation" feature that converts spoken words into written text.

Watsab has added the latest feature "Dictation", available in Android and IOS operating systems.

The microphone for this feature is available on Android devices at the top right of the writing pad (not next to the voice chat icon). On the iPhone, users will find the microphone at the bottom right of the screen.

If you want to type a comma, a question mark, a dot or other punctuation mark, say "comma" or "question mark" and the others with a loud voice.

Once you have the message, you can read it before sending it.

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