Watsab is a confusing technique that can end up blocking your posts from appearing


"Watsab" .. A confusing technique that can end up blocking your messages from appearing

"Watsab" .. A confusing technique that may end up blocking your messages A confusing technique may end up blocking your posts to appear, "Watsab" .. A puzzling technique that can end up blocking your posts from appearing.We publish our visitors to you News News Today through our news diary and start with the most important news, "A puzzling technique may end up blocking the display of your messages.

Akhbarna Journal Read: 1 minute

Tbaiq's famous instant 'WhatsApp' is on the road for the adoption of A new technology described as "confusing" a large number of users.

Verg technology specialist noted that Watsab will adopt a new update in the coming period to counter the misleading news, which has caused many deaths, especially in India.

The new update includes a technology based on the clbadification of messages redirected via Watsab, which will combat the spread of misleading information through its application.

Watsab will filter all redirected messages, especially text messages, images, videos and audio messages, and block any suspicious content, whether through fake news, rumors or even the display of several viral programs.

However, the technical site noted that this update could disrupt a large number of users, especially since the redirection of messages is highly dependent on groups and personal messages. stopping for any reason.

The Verg quoted Watsab sources saying that the application would focus on redirecting messages to India and Brazil, the two largest markets using the most popular application, with nearly 300 million d & # 39; users.

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Our daily newspaper, Watsab, is a confusing technique that can end up blocking the display of your messages. Follow us on the social networking sites of our website to receive new news.

Source: Al-Ahsa Journal

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