"WattsApp" can block the display of your messages … New technique "confused"!


The news reports that the popular instant messaging application "Watsab" is about to adopt a new technology that has been described as "confusing" to a large number of users.

The Virgin Tech website noted that WattsApp will be based in the period

The new update includes a technology that adopts a clbadification of redirected messages via WattsApp, which will combat misleading information broadcast by its application.

WattsApp will filter all redirected messages, especially from text messages Images, videos and audio messages, and to block any suspicious content, whether through fake news, rumors, or even the spread of many programs viral.

However, the technical site noted that this update could affect a large number of users. , Especially since the redirection of messages strongly depends on groups and personal messages, which stops them for any reason that afflicts them in a state of distress.

The "Virg" quotes sources in "Watsab" saying that the application will focus the work The technology in redirected messages in India and Brazil, the two largest markets use "and hold", where the number of users to 300 million people


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