We do not care about Saudi Arabia except that Lebanon remains free, sovereign, Arab and independent


The Charge d'Affaires of the Embbady of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon, Minister Plenipotentiary Walid Al-Bukhari, during a speech at his third "Coffee Cup III" entitled "Visual Media and Coexistence" "The House of Beirut has witnessed the war to establish peace, and the lesson that exists between it and shows us life, death, violence, destruction, war, peace and harmony, "said Melhem Riyashi at Beirut House. , Stressing that "the holes in the walls are the scars of the war on the body of Arab Lebanon, each of which tells the story of the black era lived by the country." Testifies to the results of the illegal weapon in Lebanon, which led to the destruction of the country. "

if (isMobile) {googletag.cmd.push (function () {googletag.display (-div-gpt-ad-news-sub-picture He pointed out that "The stability of Lebanon has been and will remain the priority of the Lebanese and Arabs, and we do not see these holes as a culture of life, dialogue and life." He stressed that in Saudi Arabia, and continue to lead in the arts and media, and remain a homeland for all its inhabitants, a habitat for all its lovers and Arab fans, "declaring that" we open this forum, highlighting our mission to preserve the gains of coexistence in Lebanon
Source: Bulletin (Lebanon)

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