We have chosen the legal action against the Federation of Educational Institutions and to return to the incoming strike


The head of private school teachers Rudolph Abboud told Asharq Al-Awsat that "the union has chosen legal action against the Federation of Educational Institutions, which would refrain from giving to professors their rights according to the law of ranks and wages. "

He pointed out that "the return to strikes is coming, and this will be determined by the union at the beginning of the school year". It calls on the political authority represented by the Ministry of Education to "respect the right of the chain and compel educational institutions to fully secure their rights".

Thanks for your information on Abboud: We chose the legal action against the Federation of Educational Institutions. You can read and follow the news of this source from the main source of the following link (Lebanon) and we are not responsible for the content of this news with the best wishes of Happy Day.

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