We have not accused Bou Saab of not having closed the crossing points and the responsibility of the government as a whole


Fadi Saad, deputy of the "bloc of the strong republic", on the words of the Minister of Defense, Elias Bousaab, on the file of the illegal pbadages and criticized the bloc for no objection to the question of borders.

"Nobody wanted to open fire on the minister," he said in an interview on OTV's news program. "What the armed forces are proposing is that it is normal for smuggling operations to be conducted in this way and that there are 136 illegal crossings in Lebanon that do not work." closing them, knowing that their locations are exposed and known and as clear as the sun. "

He stressed that "our ministers will not oppose the government's decision to close the crossings and the duty of the Council of Ministers to file the file on the control of illegal crossings and put an end to smuggling operations in the country. its priorities ".

"We criticize the government, and we are part of it, because it is not enough for the government to make a decision, but what concerns me, as a citizen and a member of Parliament, is to close these crossings," he said. he declares.

He stressed that "no one wanted to transport, directly or indirectly, the minister responsible for illegal pbadages, is the one who decided to respond to the words of Mr. Geagea".

"When Minister Bu Saab goes on the ground of resolution 1701 and makes a statement going against sovereignty and resolution 1701, we will criticize and attack him," stressing that "when Minister Bu Saab was invited to the meeting of the Defense Committee in the House of Representatives to clarify a certain position, we were the first defenders of his position. "He said.

"We do not accuse him of not closing the crossings, he is not the sole responsibility, the responsibility lies with the government, including our ministers, and that is important for us," he said. is the result, and we do not seek to accuse or show who is right and who is not right, who is right because of the citizen and his interests as well as his security and commercial security, because the pbadage of the legitimate, witness of contraband, is a motive for speculation for the Lebanese shopkeeper, especially on the fact that the citizen has large crosswalks and pedestrian crossings We speak of these pbadages that affect the lives of citizens We are against illegal crossings that must be "We are going to close today before tomorrow, then move on to legitimate crossings to control contraband."

As for Bousab's remarks, "there should be someone who would pbad on words to Dr. Samir Geagea". Saad pointed out that "this is not true because Dr. Geagea is following all the cases, he is well informed, and we, as ministers and deputy ministers, are also deliberating in the Council of Ministers," he said. The agenda of the Council of Ministers is aware of all the decisions taken during the sessions of the Government.

He added: "The Council of Ministers has taken the decision to close the illegal crossings and we are grateful for this decision even after years, but what is needed is to implement and start controlling the crossing points.We have an army capable of doing it and it is unacceptable what happens since the transformation of the battle and the responsibility of leading the army and the accused of negligence Because the direction of the army implements the political decisions taken within the Council of Ministers and that it is not allowed to say that the army does not play its role, unfortunately, what is goes to the level of the army, which has no support and does not give the role of doing what is necessary as long as it can.

Regarding the Qabrushmoun case, his ad said that "what happened in Qabrshamoun is very unfortunate, and any Lebanese who does not agree that a point of blood falls falls in an incident of this type and that the case must be referred to the competent court, "he said. "There is no court of exception in exceptional circumstances and remains permanent."

"It's not natural for a specific authority to make a wrong decision to refer a case like the Qabrushmon case directly to the Justice Council, which has question marks about its mode." of operation, or the replacement of the Judicial Council by the military court, which The way it works. "

He stressed that "the matter must be referred to the competent judiciary, namely the judiciary", underlining "our confidence in the judiciary, but we will not accept any manipulation of the course of work of the institutions of the judiciary". State in accordance with personal and political interests.We monitor everything that is happening in the country and do not remain silent about any mistakes "It is a suspicious process, especially of what is happening goes into the Qabishmoun affair, which has become a political problem. "

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