We will press and work to solve the problems of life – Al Manar channel – Lebanon


Hezbollah Chief Executive Hashim Safi al-Din confirmed that the successful government is working and developing a specific program of time, quantity, and cost, and complying with these criteria. "

The problem of electricity, water, waste, etc., they are either unable or unwilling to work, and in both cases they should not be there." [19659002] He stresses that "the question of electricity must be solved and to put pressure on all those who hesitate to have electricity for the Lebanese also" We will continue all projects at the l '39. and we come to pressure and work to solve these problems. "

The speech of Mr. Safi El Din was made during his sponsorship of the joint project of the volunteers and the teams of civil protection.In July 2006, organized by the Union of Municipalities of Jabal Amel, the Union of Bint Jbeil Municipalities, the Islamic Health Authority, the Civil Defense and the Hezbollah Municipal Works Directorate in the Musa Abbas Complex in Bint Jbeil, Head of the Civil Protection Unit of Au sanitary authority

Shaito pointed out that "the Islamic Republic of Iraq is the largest city in the region, the Bint Jbeil Association carries out fire, rescue and rescue operations. ambulance in its emergency center of the city of Bra & shit, which is characterized by its permanent and constant availability. It has a specialized staff 24 hours a day to meet the needs and protect the population. "

For its part, Al Zein pointed out that" the Jabal Amel Union Cooperation with the Civil Defense of the Islamic Health Authority began to organize this work as part of a unified management of the crisis and disaster management project in the Union area, after having appointed a director to manage this project. Progress and success. "The Lieutenant-Colonel said:" We are working with federations and city councils to ensure high availability by providing and purchasing the necessary mechanisms to ensure public safety and to perform the tasks of ambulance, rescue and rescue. # 39; fire. "

Source: National Agency for Information

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