Weather in Lebanon Partly cloudy to cloudy with little change in temperature – Al Manar channel – Lebanon


The Meteorological Department of the Civil Aviation Administration predicted that the weather in Lebanon on Sunday would be partly cloudy to cloudy with sometimes active winds, with little change in temperature and fog on the high seas land because of high humidity.

– General situation: The eastern basin of the Mediterranean is temperate

– Weather forecast in Lebanon
Saturday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with little change in temperature and active winds in Northern regions And high humidity leads to haze on the highlands.
Sunday: [1945] 9005] Partly cloudy to cloudy with occasional winds, with a slight change in temperature and persistent fog over the highlands during the morning due to high humidity
Monday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with little change in temperature

– Forecasted Temperatures: On the coast from 25 to 32, above the mountains from 16 to 27, at the house from 19 to 30, in the cedar of 9 to 22 degrees.

– Wind: 19459005

– Precipitation: Good on the coast, deteriorating locally in the highlands due to fog.

– Relative humidity of the coast:

– sea level:

– sea temperature:

– temperature of the water surface

. ] Source: Meteorological Department

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