Western researchers: the rapprochement of Iran and Qatar will only ruin the region and the world


Western researchers have seen the rapprochement between Iran and Qatar controversial between at least two theoretically contradictory countries, which they viewed as a relationship that would only ruin the region and the world, far from ideologies, cultures and policies.

– The researchers warned of the consequences of the paradoxical rapprochement between Qatar and Iran and its risks to the security and stability of the region.

In the details, Western researchers and observers have seen the rapprochement between Qatar and Iran. Regulated by the mullahs and the country Accused of supporting and financing terrorism through militias of the Revolutionary Guard, the rapprochement is criticized, seeing that the approach of the Qatari system in Iran follows the principle of "mezzanine" despite fundamental disagreements in thought, principles and politics.

The researchers warn against the consequences of this paradoxical convergence between these two countries, and its dangers for the security and stability of the region.

In this regard, the site of the French "Media Bart" that Qatar and Iran share A property that has the largest gas field in the world

The French website explained that this paradoxical convergence was one of the logical reasons for boycotting Arab Quartet countries on June 5, 2017 in Qatar, stressing that, it is the fate of any country allied to this subversive state that seeks to incite war and terrorism in the Arab region, especially the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, the most integrated organization in the world. In 1979.

The French website pointed out that the rapprochement between Tehran and Doha is in fact a serious danger that will only bring ruin and division, a game that Iran seeks to penetrate into n & # 39; Any region, because the foreign policy of the two countries is very different.

The difference between Qatar and Iran, and the impact on the region.

According to the researchers, from the diplomatic point of view, the priority of the GCC countries is to ensure and guarantee the security of the region and the Gulf countries. The members of the Council, which explains the unity of all members against the line of their neighbor Iran, however, lags behind the Gulf unit by entering into separate agreements with Tehran.

The Iranian expert on Iran, Olivier Lage, said that "Iran is geographically moving away from Qatar, but both countries are far from ideologies and policies." The rapprochement between the two countries is good, but it's not hot. "

He said that the rapprochement began with the former Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, but this convergence n & # 39; The Syrian opposition, at least ostensibly, does not prevent the conflict in politics

The same goes for Hamas relations in Tehran and Doha, where their position Things changed completely in 2012, the Hamas broke relations with Assad in Syria and moved its Damascus headquarters to Cairo after refusing to support Bashar, but Iran continued to support Hamas, in contrast to former head of the political bureau of Hamas. Khaled Mishal

For his part, professor of international relations at the University of Brux They are free, Terry Kellini Iran-Qatari relations are utilitarian and there is a clear tactic to manipulate and put pressure on neighboring countries with the "Map of Iran".

Alan Roddier, former French intelligence officer and deputy director of the French Intelligence Center, Terrorism and Organized Crime, the intervention of the Iranian regime has other purposes contrary to the stated reasons, such as the purported propagation of the principles of the Islamic Revolution, they claim, but an attempt to stay in power by any means possible.

Rudayeh that connects Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut While Iranian weapons in Yemen and Bahrain aim to operate near these countries Saudi Arabia.

The French expert explains the Iranian rapprochement with Qatar, that it is not a coincidence, but for other purposes, Doha is an excuse to flee to the Gulf States. In the same vein, a Palestinian site criticized Qatar, which declared supporting the most extremist and united organizations of Israel in the United States, pointing out that Qatar 's program was d? help Israel calm Gaza and manage its occupation to the satisfaction of Tel Aviv. ] Says the site of "Intifada" "The Qatar Foundation has donated $ 250,000 to some of the most radical organizations supporting Israel in the United States, including an organization that funds Israeli senior officers to lead propaganda tours. "

[1969004] Joseph Welham, an activist from Etisalat who works for the Government of Qatar, transferred funds through his company Lexington Strategies in late 2017 and early this year, "

He explained that the amounts included $ 100 thousand to the Zionist organization The US intention "ZOA", $ 100,000 to "our soldiers talk" and $ 50,000 to Blue Diamond Horizons.

He stressed that the organization "our soldiers speak" describes itself as "the vehicle that sends the Israeli army and police". "Senior Officers at Certain Universities Abroad" and "Briefings" to US Congressmen.

The Blue Diamond Horizons is a company controlled by Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas, a Christian Zionist

. Huckabee any Israeli withdrawal from occupied Jerusalem, and supports the annexation of Israel to the occupied West Bank, according to the same source.

Lexington Strategies, in US government disclosure documents, paid Huckabee a "reward for the visit."

While donations to the Zionist Organization and "our soldiers speak" are called contributions to "intentions"

According to the same site, "in January, Huckabee went to Doha, as a far-right and pro-Israel figure, in the context of intense communication with Tel-Aviv. " Strategix), June 15, under the Foreign Agents Registration Act It has turned out that the funds given to Zionist organizations are part of the $ 1.45 million provided by Qatar to make pressure in his name. "The document explicitly states that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, is the agent of the lean efforts." Lobby and encourage dialogue with the Jewish community abroad and in the United States, but in fact, Qatar was in touch with some of Israel's most extremist supporters as part of its efforts to gain US support.

That's the way the fastest to a heartbreak of tons, "noting that" Doha has hired more than one company in Washington to gain support from the Israeli lobby. "

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