What are the causes of bad breath?


Bad breath is an unpleasant problem that many suffer, which bothers and disturbs them at home and at work because of many nutritional and health factors.

What are the causes of bad breath?

1– Do not brush your teeth, this would lead to an excessive accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria break down food molecules and produce compounds with a sulfur odor. Doctors recommend that you wash your teeth several times a day.

2– Eat certain types of foods, and foods are the main cause of halitosis, especially pungent foods such as: garlic, onions, spicy dishes and high in spices like the curry and some types of cheese because they can leave a trace of odor in the mouth for a short time. At that time, food residues may be deposited between teeth, providing an environment conducive to bacterial growth and, consequently, the appearance of bad breath.

3– Dry mouth, saliva is the best treatment to eliminate bacteria and help maintain oral hygiene. Dryness of the mouth occurs naturally during sleep, due to low saliva production during the night, resulting in bad breath in the morning, so drink plenty of water to keep it properly moisturizing the mouth is essential to keep it clean. Eat foods that stimulate saliva production, such as vegetables and raw fruits.

4– The acidity of the stomach and many people suffer from reflux or acidity of the stomach where the contents of the stomach is moving towards the esophagus, causing thus their bad breath, avoiding acidic foods such as coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

5– Smoking can cause the survival of certain chemicals and tobacco in the mouth, causing the emergence of bad breath. In addition, smoking is responsible for the emergence of certain gum diseases and oral cancer.

In rare cases, bad breath indicates a more serious problem, such as kidney or liver failure. It is therefore best to consult your GP if the dentist does not find the cause of the problem.

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