What determines the winner of the 2018 World Cup? Genes mathematics and welfare of the state and high level Al-Bina Journal


Russian geneticists participated in a study to determine the most "athletic" football teams in the world

. Teams from Brazil, Italy, Russia and Croatia were among the "leaders".

Human DNA has confirmed the existence of genes for the mathematical abilities in the genes of members of different sports teams, including football, who are responsible for the progress of a particular team with respect to other teams of the world.

Valery Ellensky "Predicting who will win in the match between Russia and Croatia is impossible, this is also true for predicting the title holder of this World Cup, but Russia has a good sporting genetic potential, and it is necessary to discover them at the right time to feed and develop them. "

The results of the study revealed nearly 200 genes badociated with athletic success. For example, the DNA of weightlifters in the world contains some type of AGT gene, and short-distance sprinters also have a special gene for ACTN3.

Scientists at the Russian Research Center have studied genetic samples of the 2018 FIFA World Cup 70 country participants ranked by team successes throughout history.

It is found that the proportion of "sports" genes in athletes is 20 Brazilian, which corresponds to the ranking of the Brazilian team in first clbad, Italy and Russia.

Scientists conclude that genes are the ureter The "sport" alone is not enough for the football team to succeed in world competitions if the state does not enjoy a high standard of living for its citizens, nor did it develop this game or that by establishing stadiums and training facilities.

What determines the winner of the 2018 World Cup? Mathematical genes and welfare of the state and high level
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Russian geneticists are studying to identify the most "athletic" teams in the world. Brazil, Italy, Russia and Croatia were among the leaders. Kh
confirmed the intervention of Russian geneticists in a study to determine the most "athletic" football teams in the world. Brazil, Italy, Russia and Croatia were among the leaders. Kh
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