What did Sharif do in his party in Taba?


Lebanese artist Moeen Sharif performed the second concert "Summer Nights" at the summer festival of Taba Heights in South Sinai

Moeen started the concert with the money of "Tall Time" , expressing thanks to Egypt. "He welcomed all Arab tourists from Palestine, Jordan and Syria, then presented the song" Egypt in my thoughts. "

Al-Tamimi, director of the El Film Festival Gouna, The most difficult word ", that she sang twice at the request of the mbades and then" Ya Dar ", as well as the planet of East, Umm Kulthum" Thousand and One Nights "and "On the eyelashes of his eyes", and the "Dar Al Ya" Dar for the Lebanese star Wadih El Safi, and he also sang "Odeh Ya Masr Ya Ard El Naam", in addition to the songs of " Qatali Albi ". It is organized by Hani Hbadan, and the main purpose of the organization of these concerts is to stimulate tourism in South Sinai, especially in Taba to make again the capital of Arab and foreign tourism.

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