He added: "The consultative meeting only advised the minister and warned that the text incompatible with the national interest and national stability is a text that must be treated with discernment. We chose the most appropriate expression when we said that the proper application of the law was necessary Minister stated that the proper application of the law is an issue without violating the legal texts.
"We never demanded a violation of the laws, but we literally demanded that this racist racism, deliberately caused by the Ministry of Labor, be taken into account, unless it is intentional and we reject it.
With respect to the minister's legitimate signal that he was waiting for the minister to represent the question, he said, "We are wondering where the cabinet is and where the government is." The answer is clear. At present, the government was absent from all the required files.The decision of the Minister of Labor alone is sufficient to convene an emergency meeting of the Lebanese Government, after which the minister of the meeting will have what he says . "
"What we did was a natural and logical political action, and from the first moment we all dealt calmly with the minister's decision, and at the first meeting we held our warnings, our advice and also, and we ask what the minister really wants from the consultation meeting, "said Murad.
The State Minister in charge of Foreign Trade concluded: "We say to Minister Abu Sulaiman that your intention to respond to the consultative meeting is a blessing because it is the natural context in the state We believe that your response has achieved a fundamental purpose of our statement – the party's response on behalf of the Ministry of Labor. "
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