What is hidden from the reconciliation meeting .. This secret key!


Well-informed circles told Al-Rai that, in addition to the financial aspect and the beginning of a "disguised collapse" in this reality, the "American factor" was the main driver of Gulab, who supported the exit from the crisis Orchards decided by the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri. Hariri supported him and Aoun sponsored him.

In the eyes of these circles, this factor, which had been neglected by the statement of the US Embbady in which there was explicit mention of the defense against Jumblatt and any targeting attempt through the judicial process of the Orchard incident, as well as the disclosure of a planned visit to Hariri to Washington to meet officials who have learned until now, including Vice President Mike Pence and the Secretary of State. State Mike Pompeo seemed to be a "secret key" to turn the page of the crisis next to her "explosive".

According to these circles, Hezbollah, that the "American clamp" shrinks "with sanctions for which it has prepared an" adaptation strategy "although it has acknowledged that this is painful for himself and his environment, does not want to let the Lebanese reality "collapse" (after Tehran clearly indicated that it was majority) Parliamentary) of the "financial side" financial, which would have become "inevitable" if the "wick" "was not removed by an exit, at the time of the release of Jumblatt, realizing more than a precious point, after the" warning of the United States ", including the" Lebanon "Under close surveillance," that would have been followed by a no less significant European position, including All Lebanese Reality and the Cedar Conference for Financial and Economic Progress are in the real circle of danger.

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