What is the role of Bogba's brother in his move to Real Madrid?


Another move to Spain ..

According to the press, Matthias Bogba, the brother of Manchester United star Paul Bojba, could play a role in his move to Real Madrid this summer.

Matias, 28, who has played five international games with Guinea, is about to sign Real Madrid's Manchigo Ciudad Real, after finding himself without a contract recently.

Matias' desire to return to Spain is due to the fact that he has lived the happiest days of his career with his brother Florentan in the second team of Celtic Vigo.

Florentin, defender, played against his brother Paul with St. Etienne in the European league and currently plays in the United States with Atlanta United.

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For his part, Matthias should get closer to the Spanish capital Madrid since Manchego, which prevents him from accepting this offer immediately.

Minu Riaola, a Bijba agent, confirmed that Manchester United's move is already under way.

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