What is the truth of Halima Boland's media separation from her husband ?!


Local media in Kuwait reported that media Halima Boland separated from his lawyer, Abdul Razzaq al-Anzi, just two months after their marriage.

Two months ago, "Boland" announced her wedding in a surprise move, without revealing the husband's identity, while the media confirmed that her husband is Enazi's lawyer. She also announced that she would withdraw from media appearances or share details of her life on social networking sites, justifying her desire to pay attention to her own life.
The Kuwaiti media did not officially clarify his divorce, but a photo that she published two days ago. The media, who are inside the hospital after a health problem and show the upper part of her body, have provoked widespread controversy and speculation about her separation from her husband while he's in the hospital. she returned to publish the details of her private life. The picture is normal, "she said
It should be noted that the Kuwaiti media had already raised controversy a few days ago, after having announced the participation in the festival" Deyaar Al-Ezz "in Saudi Arabia Arabia, to release an official from the management of the festival And later published and published several proofs of his invitation to participate in the festival.

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